Dance, Performance, Choreography, Installation, Music

Multidisciplinary creator, dancer, performer

Lua Carreira, Lisbon, 1997, studied at the National Conservatory of Portugal.

In 2015 she continued her professional career at Ballet Junior de Genéve, Switzerland, and in 2017 she joined the company EgriBianco Danza, Italy.

Since 2019, as a dancer, she has worked with choreographers such as Pedro Ramos, Filipa Peraltinha, Nélia Pinheiro, Benvindo Fonseca, Xana Novais and Marco da Silva Ferreira. As a choreographer, Lua created “Lîla - Free Play” (2019), “A Morte do Artista” (2020), “My Heaven is Better than Yours” (2020) and in 2021 premiered “Kind of Blue”, a piece that was nominated for the dance award at the 2022 National Exhibition of Young Creators, Portugal.

Lua Carreira is the co-founder of EmFim-Associação do Artista and since 2022, she has been a resident artist at the Desvio space, where she began to develop her work in performance. She carried out the 2022 Performance Cycle, as a research between body and object, and in the same year premiered the pieces “Unmanned Space Probe” and “SAL”. Her most recent works in performance are "Sonic Vault" for International Ballet Gala in Sintra and "Halo Blackness of the Heart" for Ano Zero Bienal of Contemporary Art

It was also in 2022 that she became part of the production team of Artist Runspace MONO and resident artist of ZABRA - Art Movement in Experimental Art, Technology and Scientific Investigation.

Currently her creative work focuses on a multidisciplinary approach aimed at the deconstruction of the performative body through the exploration of new technologies and the exploration of new corporeal entities through the choreographic method.